Surround Sound Processor Pre-Amp Performance

I really do not want to have to incorporate surround sound processor and a stero pre-amp in my system as I'd rather have one piece that can do it all, (movies plus CD listening).

Would be interested in hearing feedback around which Processor delivers a great movie experience with little to no comprimise on the stero pre-amp part of the equation.

Is what I'm looking for futile, or is there a reasonalby priced, (under $6,500) processor out there that can deliver both??

Ag insider logo xs@2xmattkimb96
Here I am hawking Bryston again. They should put me on the payroll.

I would recommend putting Bryston's SP1.7 on your short list of auditions.

I love mine.

I have also heard and liked Classe, Sunfire, and Krell. But my ears preferred the Bryston in my price range (4k).
I love my Integra Research RDC-7. See Stereophiles Guide to Home Theater FEb 2001 review online. Good Luck.
"Distortion" does not need to apologize for recommending the Bryston SP-1.7, since it is an excellent pre/pro. I do, however, understand his concern about "pimping" the Bryston line, since I am equally guilty. I have one of the first Bryston SP-1's produced (serial number 10, upgraded to final version software), and have been extremely pleased with it. It offers great HT surround processing, and excellent sound quality in either its digital or analog-bypass mode.

The SP-1.7 differs from the SP-1 by having analog 5.1 inputs for SACD / DVD-A, plus digital processing for Dolby ProLogic 2 and most of the other 6.1 and 7.1 channel formats. If these features are not of interest to you, then the SP-1 can be purchased used for a lot less money than the SP-1.7.

As a point of interest, I made a post several weeks ago that the Bryston SP-1.7 had recently been chosen by Mi Casa Studios to do the DVD soundtrack processing for "Finding Nemo", "Lord of The Rings", and a number of other DVD releases of major films. For more info, go the following Bryston Web page: