How international is your system?

I just realized that each of my components is from a different country (and they all seemingly get along fine!).

Wondering how international other people's systems are. Mine:

Scotland (turntable and cartridge)
Canada (phono pre)
England (CDP and tape deck)
New Zealand (integrated amp)
France (speakers)
Holland (ICs)
US (cables, cords)
Hmmm...decidely USA/Japan in both systems.

Main system:

Preamp/Amps: USA
CD Player: USA
Speakers: USA
Tuner: USA
CD-R recorder: USA
ICs/cables: USA/Japan (DIY...but raw materials from Japan)
DAT deck: Japan
DVD player: Japan
S-VHS VCR: Japan
Television: Japan

Bedroom system:

Receiver: USA
CD player: Japan
Speakers: USA
Headphones: Japan
Here goes,
Turntable: British
CD Player: Danish
Preamp: Japanese
Amp: American
Speakers: American
Wires: American

It's the UN of sound!
Maybe I should fly the Union Jack in front of my property since all my major components are from Scotland. I just dubed this setup HMS (His/Her Majesties Stereo).
CD - Norway
Tuner - Japan
Amp (Int.) - USA
Speakers - England (Soon to be France)
IC's - USA
Speaker cables - Japan