Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...

Guy's I came across a story today that gives new meaning to the word "BASS". This baby has bass 57 octaves lower than middle-C. You've got to check this out!
Kthomas...You just need the right size bass trap. I built mine to enclose the entire solar system. It only took one weekend and I got all the parts at Home Depot (grin).
For you scientists out there, how many "Hz" would that note correspond to? I mean you can't go below DC, right? So would that make it something like 0.0000000000673Hz (that's an example, not an actual calculation)???

And what would the wavelength of such a note be??!!!
rough calculation: 256 Hz divided by 2 55 times= about
6.7 x 10 to the -17 power.VERY DEEP BASS INDEED!