Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...

Guy's I came across a story today that gives new meaning to the word "BASS". This baby has bass 57 octaves lower than middle-C. You've got to check this out!
Yes, I read about this in the newspaper this morning.

These guys who build 50 foot long concrete transmission lines in their floors don't look so special now, do they?
Kthomas...You just need the right size bass trap. I built mine to enclose the entire solar system. It only took one weekend and I got all the parts at Home Depot (grin).
For you scientists out there, how many "Hz" would that note correspond to? I mean you can't go below DC, right? So would that make it something like 0.0000000000673Hz (that's an example, not an actual calculation)???

And what would the wavelength of such a note be??!!!