Can I nominate Sean please ?

Someone mentioned that Sean was the" Audio Altruist of the Year" in a thread I was reading tonight.This was due to his exhaustive generosity in sharing his knowlege with everyone so unselfishly and so often. I responded in agreement in the thread but felt it should be reintroduced . I have learned more in 6 months reading past discussions he was involved in than 10 years of talking with audio salespeople who ooze misinformation at every gasp and audio journalism with commercial agendas. I too nominate Sir Sean as " Audio Altruist of the Year " . Honorable mentions go out to others who also give of themselves and who I follow as well. These are but a few : Albertporter , Dekay , Detlof , Gunbei , Psychicanimal , TWL , Phasecorrect , Sugarbrie , tok2000 , Tireguy , Mejames , subarguru , zaikesman , Stehno and Mike Lavigne. For those I forgot or left out ; my apologies. So here is a toast to you Sean; may we all stay in touch and be friends .
jeffloistarca , you happen to be one of the ones I did not mention in this thread. You are one of that group we honor as well.
I'm just a newbie that does alot more reading than posting, but I have to agree...Sean is "The Man"...and all the honorable mentions are quite impressive contributors also.
There really is allot of disinformation "out there." Almost all of what I've learned about this hobby has been from the good folks on the Gon, especially the illustrious group mentioned here on this post. I too am a newbie and do allot more reading than posting- but I try to contribute as much as I can (usually subjects pertaining to music). I leave the technical side of this hobby to the experts above and truly appreciate their inputs. Thank you.
At the risk of offending all the other really great contributors (Zaikesman, Albert Porter, Roy, etc. (what happened to Bear and Audio Engineer ?)) I too, really appreciate Sean's contributions. Thanks!
A local joint to hang around, Sean? Really? Perhaps it would be interesting to the readers here to know that you couldn't even bother to respond to my email, which was my attempt to strike up an audiophile friendship with a fellow Chicagoan. With this in mind, I would hardly nominate Sean for an altruism award.