Best name in audio?


I was perusing the classifieds, when I came across a tube amp I wanted to check out. But, what got me was the name of the seller - "Two Bald Guys Audio"!

Wow! I love it. I have no affiliation to this business, and have NO idea if they are good people or not. But, I will say, anyone who have the sense of humor they do are probably great guys - they don't take themselves too seriously. Audio needs more characters like these two guys.

I wish them GOOD LUCK here on Audiogon!
(hope to buy something from them one day)
There are some great store names out there but I've not run into any in Audio. My wife and I were driving in the country one day and came across a hair salon named "Curl Up and Dye". Anyone else come across some cool names?
Years ago I was eating at a Carls Jr. I looked out the window and next door was a Mexican food place called Taco De Carlos.

Now, I don't know if this was some kind of gag, or some dude named Carlos is making a statement about his anatomy.
There is a Chinese restaurant in CA that is called "Fok Yuen"

Happy Listening and eating!
In Santa Clara, CA (near the university), there is a fried chicken place that is officially named Cluck University Chicken Co.

The place is affectionately known as 'Cluck U Chicken' - which is shown on their varsity-inspired, block-lettered, logo.