For those of you who may be wondering what this discussion is all about, there is a fascinating new book out called "The Golden Ratio", written by Mario Livio, Ph.D., the head of the Science Divison at the Space Telescope Science Institute. It is "The story of PHI, the world's most astonishing number". PHI is an irrational number 1.6180339887... that was first defined by Euclid who was studying construction of the pentagon (the five sided figure in geometry).
Livio traces the evolution of understanding of PHI over 2000 years of history and its real and imagined application to everything from mollusk shells, sunflower florets, crystals in materials, the shape of galaxies, the pyramids, art, and the stock market.
PHI can be derived in many ways and is closely related to the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc). Every next number being the sum of the previous two.
Cardas has adopted PHI in the design of cables and the placement of speakers. His ideal room design also follows the Fibonacci sequence. (For example: 8Hx13Wx21L)
Whether you have a strong math background or not, this book is very easy and intersting reading. You can just skip the proofs in the appendices.
Livio traces the evolution of understanding of PHI over 2000 years of history and its real and imagined application to everything from mollusk shells, sunflower florets, crystals in materials, the shape of galaxies, the pyramids, art, and the stock market.
PHI can be derived in many ways and is closely related to the Fibonacci sequence (0,1,1,2,3,5,8,13,21, etc). Every next number being the sum of the previous two.
Cardas has adopted PHI in the design of cables and the placement of speakers. His ideal room design also follows the Fibonacci sequence. (For example: 8Hx13Wx21L)
Whether you have a strong math background or not, this book is very easy and intersting reading. You can just skip the proofs in the appendices.