I once helped a friend picking a system, and he bought a Denon separates mini-set (sorry, forgot the model) and some cheapo B&W speakers, with some half-decent cables thrown in for free. I set it up for him, slipped one of my cd's in and expected myself to be hiding a little smile..... and I almost cried, since it seemed to sound even better then my own, mucho, mucho more expensive system. When I got home, and finally dared to power up my rig, it was better.... in a subtle way, not spectacular, but more satisfying on the long term. But...... it is more expensive, and nor as convenient or as good-looking as my friends' system. So what's the moral? Ehmmmmm..... don't drive drunk? No, that's another story. Moral is that 'low-fi'isn't always bad.