I know how you feel I just spent a lot of money I saved for 3 years and while sitting in that hot desert in Mid East courtesy of George W Bush. I got the upgrade bug and cannot stop. I have used credit cards to max, and keep going with savings and paychecks. Just a few of the major items I bought in about a year. Mark levinson 331,334.336, 436 amps; Krell FpB 250 mono blocks, KRC HR preamp, Krell 20I Cd player; Mark Levinson 380S, 360S, 38S, 360 and 2 37s, Proced PMDT, Sony sacd777ES, Lexicon MC-1, Magnum Dynalab 102, dCS Purcel1, and more. Runco Sc-4200 line doubler, Sony projector, a pile of power cables, interconnects, and speaker cable. Acoustic Zen Ref II, NBS, Virtual Dynamics, Shunyanta, Transparent, Audioquest, Kimber and on and on....I am addicted...Compulsive Obsessive Dissorder maybe...any doctors out there?
Help me!
Help me!