Zaikesman's Username Pronunciation Field Guide

OK, here's the deal: It's pronounced "Zikes'mn", not "Zakes-man" (accent on the first syllable with a long "i" and silent "a", the second syllable with a schwa "a"). Preferred 'nick-username' is Zaikes (rhymes with 'yikes').

Anybody else out there with a username having ambiguous/obscure correct pronunciation (you know who you are), here's your big chance to set us all straight!

(And the rest of you stop snickering :-)
Ernie, thats funny. When I went shopping for my last car, I was just about set on an Audi, until I checked out the Subaru. Being the value conscious buyer that I am, I ended up with the Subie.
Here's another one I always got wrong: Sattothestars. I thought it was shorthand for "Sat[ellite?] o' [of] the Stars." I didn't really know what it meant but thought he might be a dealer of very high end stuff that he sold mostly to Hollywood types (like Fabio). But later I saw a website or something showing a satellite TO the stars. Still have no idea what it means, still associating it with Fabio.
Jeff, thanks for enlightening me. I didn't dream you were Canadian! My last name, Clement (not Connor), is French, my great-grandparents were from Montreal.
Trejla, both you and the folks at Audio Asylum. Some people there can't HANDLE the truth :-)
Vinyl??? Begone!!!!!!