Physically awkward components...

I have a Bel Canto DAC and even though I really like it, its design is somewhat of a pain for me. I wish all connectors were on the same side of the unit, but they are not. Getting all the cables together is such a pain in the rear.

Anyone else have similar problems with other components?
Ive had plenty of problems with that in the past myself.

seems like alot of cd players and dvd players will have the power cord on the left, with the signal outputs on the right. Then you have a pre-amp that is opposite, with an amplifier that has the cord in the middle with the inputs above that.

It sure would be nice to have somee sort of a standard established, that way you can keel all your signal cables on the left and all the power cables on the right.
Those Pass Aleph 3 amps looked like a challenge to handle! My Mcintosh amp weighs 95 lbs.! It takes two to move the damn thing.
You are right about the Pass Aleph amps. Nelson Pass is sadistic, that't the only possible explanation.
Well my amps are in that weight class but not as cumbersome as the CAT pre, with the power supply.