Sistrum or Neuance or...?

I'm considering some isolation for my transport and DAC. Which of the Sistrum or Neuance do you recommend? Or what else? I'm certainly open to suggestions. Thanks.
A few years ago, a post like twl's would have brought anger from the majority of audiogoners. No more. It's time to recognize that Audiogon has simply become an open advertising and marketing platform.

Sad but those are the times. Time for audiophiles to go and leave the site to the dealers - they can talk to each other.
Actually, Flex, I think it is sort of amusing that the Sistrum folks are continuing to use this thread to advance their product. Anyone making fresh product inquiries will stumble upon it and have plenty of advance notice of the contrversies involed. It now reminds me of a scene in a car full of teenager's in a barn, in a Fellini film about growing up in America. That car was sure rocking about! Maybe those Systrum stands could have helped drain those vibrations. :-) But, in the final analysis, you are right. Incidentially, I think I have heard the birth pangs of a new Sistrum dealer, but time will tell.

Guess seeing brown all the time has gotten the best of you.

You are the one with "something" stuck, and it certainly isn't your finger.