The complaints about price regard direct/personal and indirect consequences. I can not get in to the validity of the indirect, but after subtracting it plus subtracting the number of complaints about the price of audio gear, I'm not sure CD cost complaints are worth mentioning in Ben_campbell's music v. gear context. Even less so when people argue the principal of the overpricing and doing the math for $3-4 over a hundred or two CDs. Some people are set to be cheap with CDs and not gear, but that sliver means nothing to me. Just people.
"There's no good music anymore" irks me, actually. I find it pathetic. My theory is the claim is sum of the following: (a) "Good" music, whatever that is, is harder to get a hold of, obviously for a number of reasons. (b)"Sometimes the music evolves and it's the listener who is left standing still." by Onhwy61 is apt. (c) The disdain for societal direction is probably another turn-off, another barrier, cummulating in to too much effort to find what is worth while. This is sharp contrast to the good old days, I'm sure.
"My collection is now worth close to double what my equipment is.
Am I nuts or do I have things in perspective?"
Even imagining the literal extremes of both ends, I really think this question should be limited to one's self. People talk about "it" being about the music, but the "no good music anymore" claim and certain posts is evidence that audio is intrinsically enjoyed more than music exploration.
"There's no good music anymore" irks me, actually. I find it pathetic. My theory is the claim is sum of the following: (a) "Good" music, whatever that is, is harder to get a hold of, obviously for a number of reasons. (b)"Sometimes the music evolves and it's the listener who is left standing still." by Onhwy61 is apt. (c) The disdain for societal direction is probably another turn-off, another barrier, cummulating in to too much effort to find what is worth while. This is sharp contrast to the good old days, I'm sure.
"My collection is now worth close to double what my equipment is.
Am I nuts or do I have things in perspective?"
Even imagining the literal extremes of both ends, I really think this question should be limited to one's self. People talk about "it" being about the music, but the "no good music anymore" claim and certain posts is evidence that audio is intrinsically enjoyed more than music exploration.