Pics with ads?

I'm curious about this. If someone is listing an ad and has pics available, why don't they just put them in the ad instead of e-mailing them to every individual who asks for them? Also a complete description of the item, such as finish of speaker cabinets and anything else that seems significant would be helpful. It doesn't cost any extra and takes a lot less time than responding to a lot of e-mails asking these questions.
Is there a good reason for not putting this stuff in the ad that I'm not getting?
Hello on Audiogon pictures are limited in size to 400x600 pixels thus the resolution to show very fine details just isn't available whereas you can email much bigger and higher resolution pictures this way.
I wonder about that myself. --and --the lack of information, re.stuff that a buyer needs to know. Right now there 's an add for a cat pre.-- NO mention of which version--could be a 1,2,3 ? 'cept when you read the add you see it has 'bal'--Got to be an Ultimate 1 or 2?? Of course this is better than all the lies some tell,trying to sell 'old' stuff.

The CAT is being sold by a dealer so they want you to call and ask about the unit instead of receiving a ton of emails. But I agree with you 100% there still could be more info posted.

Happy Listening.
I think pictures are important in the ad presentation. Also, mejames is correct about the lesser resolution provided in an Audiogon ad because of size limitation.A good digital camera can partially correct for this by reducing before uploading pictures. Sometimes I have had a cable for sale, but have it still connected into the system, so I give the potential buyer the option if pictures are necessary to complete the sale. But I have found that most Audiogoners like to see pictures of what they are buying, especially if it's from someone with limited feedback in their profile.