threadous _postous_interruptous Golly, Sean. Are you calling me out? I mean, I've seen you take far greater punches than my silly little comment last evening.
I guess that's why I find it somewhat strange that you have singled out my comment about Barry at Bright-Star making you angry and what you attempted to do to the last company who made you angry. But I really haven't had any desire to engage in a debate with you. Especially in such a formal manner as this, . . . in not one but two threads.
What about the guy who deemed you an 'Internet-bully'? Why don't you call that guy out? Obviously, his statement was much more hurtful than mine. Wasn't it? Or how about the others that have apparently called you names? I've not done such a thing. Yet just because I see things from a different perspective. I mean is this not the generation that is to celebrate diversity?
You know, this could be an A'gon first? What are the rules of engagement (no punches below the belt, no eye gouging, no wedgies, no scratching, etc.)? What is the ultimate purpose/goal (does the loser have to leave the planet, or just listen to the winner's system for a day, (the real question is which of those options is worse))?
I suppose it could be kinda' fun. Nevertheless, I shall respectfully decline your offer to engage in meaningful dialogue or to formalize a mock trial of sorts in these parts simply based on my rather silly comment last evening.
That is, unless of course you insist... Hey, wait a minute. Are you doing this just because I mentioned your owning Carver equipment in that Legacy thread you started last December? You know, the one where you showed utter disdain and contempt for Legacy the company and for Paul Bolin the Legacy speaker reviewer and for anybody who owned Legacy speakers? You know, the thread which had since been pulled?
Or is it because in that same thread you kept crying uncle when others were beating up on you and I told you to get back in there and fight and I'll let you know when you've had enough? Shoot! I've forgotten all about that. Why can't you?
Then again, I suppose if I were provoked... Well, I guess I'd have no choice but to defend myself at that point.
Even if this is just a hobby.