No Wires..... Ever Wifey Dearest Audio Riddle

Much to my horror -- despite the persistance of my "exotic cable fetish" -- I seem to be buckling under the pressure of family life and thinking about -- gasp -- hiding all of my exotic wires.

Some of you may have read one of my earlier posts on a WAF friendly pedestal concept to hide multiple components in a pleasantly modern column.

It has occured to me however, that if entirely enclosed this might present some ventilation problems, or expose a tangle or wires behind the rack when opened up from behind to allow ventilation.

Therefore, does anyone know where I could buy perforated metal, like the type that is used to cover tube preamps? Maybe two sheets of that could sandwich a spaghetti tangle of wires yet still allow some air to flow.

Any other hide the wire ideas?
If you have pier and beam construction you can run long interconnect under the floor and with mono block amps behind each speaker, the only thing showing is the equipment face plates and the grill cloth.

I have everything hidden in my system. Not because my wife gives me grief about it, I'm just a tidy freak and enjoy my installation looking professional.

You can click the link beside my name (system) to see images. I do have access to the wires through a door, so I can still manage all my maintenance.
Well, as usual, I can't leave well enough alone. Seems I always forget something and since posts can't be edited here without causing needless extra work for the AudiogoN staff, I'll simply add to my above post. As follows:

As an option with additional cost, the upgraded unit mentioned above can even be installed underground. I hear you asking "What about the Mrs.? She won't allow that!" Yes she will. Again, our crew will come to your home posing as your city's Planning and Inspection Department with backhoe and crane equipment and install the new "septic system" your property needs to be up to code or face stiff fines and possibly even a lien on your property. The beauty of this is you don't even have to figure out how to hide the cost of the RSAD AC Generation just bought a new septic system and increased the value of your home! As for escaping to listen to music, we include a booklet full of inventive excuses to leave the house. BTW, this booklet comes with the standard upgrade mentioned in the above post too. Forgot to mention that. One of our favorites is the Fred Flintstone Fib: "Honey, I'm going to (Your Favorite Stereo Shop or Hardware Store). I'll be back after they close tonight or very early a.m.". Just think how proud your wife will be of you when you come home with...nothing! Go ahead, even have her search the car! And how pleased she'll be that you didn't head straight to the stereo system when you got home and better still, how little time you're spending with the system at all!

Again, Hope I need help.

Robert, that is hilarious. The free cd was a nice touch per earlier posts ;-) BTW, that could work. Hmmmm ...
This forum never ceases to amaze me! Cdc, thank you.

My latest challenge for this project: inside the pedestal, I would like to attach and hide an audiophile grade power block or power strip.

All of the wires (now attractively sandwiched in between perforated metal, thanks to Cdc) then plug into the internal 3 mile island.

The pedestal itself, therefore, has only one power "tail" and maybe some interconnects to run to the power amp, close to the speakers.

My wife should be thrilled?