What other obsessions do you have?

It's obvious that many of the people here have gone off the deep end (yes I include myself) with equipment and music purchases.

The question is what other obsessions do you have, or what else are you really into?

I was getting carried away with Martial Arts before an injury sidelined me, I would rather ride my motorcycle than drive, and I spend way too much time on the computer (most of it on AudiogoN). If I had the money I would have a bigger and better collection of wine. Other than that I'm perfectly sane! NO really!!!
(1) Developing abrasions, stress fractures, and tweaked tendons while rock climbing.
(2) Smashing fingers, achieving hypothermia and getting hit on the head with large blocks of ice while ice climbing.
(3) Developing foot cramps and soft tissue injuries while downhill skiing.
(4) Eating mud, impaling myself on sharp branches, and bouncing off rocks while endoing on my mountain bike.
(5) Getting slapped while chasing women.
(6) Getting happy on single malt scotch after (5).
Bicycling - Timo, I own an earlier Tom Kellogg masterpiece - Merlin Extralight built up with Dura-Ace, FSA Pro Team Carbon cranks, Velomax wheelset, etc - just under 16lbs for 54cm, it is a climbing terror (when the motor's in shape, of course), yet still comfortable and stable enough for centuries. Also love mountain biking (Santa Cruz Superlight), ESPECIALLY wooded singletrack.

Surfing - ocean, not web; short- and longboard, but much prefer the GLIDE of a good 9'0" - 9'6". Anyone who's had the pleasure of dancing on this liquid stage understands this OBSESSION
Back country jaunts in the LR with my wife and two Goldens; acquiring and sampling single malts (Irish as well as Scotch); rowing my shell, and attending live music performances...and work...
Building or creating ANYTHING.

I finally got a decent woodshop going, I love working with wood. Carpenty, Carving, Chipping etc I will probably never buy another piece of furniture again, i would much rather built it myself. It might not have a name on it that makes it worth 3k, but i know the build quality is sound, It will be one-of-a-kind, and it will hold my distinctive style.

Art as well.
Im quit an artist if i may say so myself. I dont paint, i draw. Also enjoy metal sculpting, wood carving, casting, whatever.

I work in a cubicle. My job is an endless analysis and diagnosis of theory, numbers, testing, and remote access. At the end of the day, there is no finished product, nothing to see progress on.
That is why i love building/creating stuff, it keeps that need in me fulfilled.

If i diddnt have to worry about money, that would be my full-time hobby. As much as i love audio gear and music, there is nothing quite like finally finishing a project. I put everything i am into my creations, and each one is unique.

Had about a 4 year pause on this hobby. THen recently i had the option of upgrading my gear or buying tools for a workshop. My rig has not changed. :)
Wife, Motorcycles, Photography, Film, Dogs and Sex. Not necessarily in that order. I never mix Sex with the canine obsession, though have combined it with the others with some degree of success at times. It goes real well with my wife, but I wouldn't recommend it to any of you less'en you be liken' me to open up a big ol' industrial-sized can-O'-WhoopAss all over your sorry self.
