Comfortable by good sounding headphones?

Due to lifestyle I listen to my main system only on weekends but I find myself wanting to listen weekdays at night. Purchased a pair of Grado 325 phones and Melos SHA 1 headphone amp. The amp is exceptional but I find myself only listening for an hour or so because of ear fatigue with the Grados. I like the sound of the Grados but really don't care for the fit. Thinking about the Sennheiser 600 or 650 but with their more open design not sure if the music could be heard by others( I listen at normal volumns) and concerened about comfort. Any comments or suggestions for other headphones appreciated.
I really have to start reading my posts before sending them. Of course I meant " Comfortable but good sounding headphones"
I really enjoy Beyerdynamics DT-831's. You could also post this question at .
That was my criteria too 20 years ago when I've purchased my AKG K340. A closed design with a electostatic and dynamic drivers with multiple passive radiators, 400 ohms, (other specs at home, I still have the 1984 & '85 brochures). Purchase a (used) second pair just a few weeks ago. The Stax at that time felt like my head was in a c-clamp.