Have A Great Summer Everyone

Audiogon is a favorite winter activity for me. I thoroughly enjoy the tech talk, music gab, and all of the personalities that make this site so enjoyable. Even the bantering and bickering back and forth is interesting as it demonstrates the passion that most people feel for this hobby and for music in general.

Music is good for the soul.

I will be relocating to the Pacific coast later this summer after being born, raised, and having spent 45 years of my life here in Connecticut. I have many lifelong friends here that I will miss dearly. The winters are really starting to take their toll on me. I am an outdoor person, and spending six months out of every year stuck inside just ain't cuttin' it any longer.

So for now, I would like to wish eveyone on this site, and their families, a happy, healthy, and safe summer. And most importantly.....

Happy Listening.

I very much look forward to rejoining you all next "winter" (if that's what they call it in California).

My Best and Most Sincere Regards to ALL, Ed.

You're a wise man ... it has only taken you 45 years to do something for your joints and quality of life... good job. My wife has another 3 years to go, before she can call it a day with the Post Office and then, we are either southbound or westbound. I am only a year older than you, have had 3 spine fusion surgeries in the last 18 months, and can't wait to leave the NY winters behind me. Buy a good bike, a strong helmet, and an iPod ... you'll be all set.

Good luck ,

good luck,im with ya on the winter crap, 21 yrs construction & 40 michigan winters have done the same to me, 6 more yrs to go & ill be joining you in the sun.

have fun, mike.
Good luck with whatever your new endeavors are on the "Left" coast. I'll be leaving my present occupation of 31 years to make a change this year. It is thrilling and wish you the same excitement I'm going through.
Hi Ed,

We eagerly await your arrival out here in CA. I left the East coast fifteen years ago and never looked back. Let me assure you that the minute you cross the state line your going to feel ten years younger.

I still get a chuckle almost everyday when I walk outside and the temperture is just perfect (year round) no humidity, no rain, no snow. CAN WE TALK?

Oh and just for the record, I haven't felt a decent earthquake in over ten years, nor has it ever flooded anywhere around my house in the Santa-Cruz mountains.

Oh yea, I think your going to like it here! Did I mention the selection of fresh fruits and vegtables vine ripe in the groccery stores every day of the year? Get ready for some good healthy eating! There's just something about living here that makes you want to eat right and stay in shape,

Need I mention the eye candy?

Oh, and we don't smoke cigarettes out here, so get ready for some good fresh air when ever your in a resturant or a store, you will never smell that stench.

Anyway, we'll be hering from you soon, Let us know where you settle in
Welcome to California, Ed.
I left NYC 30+ years ago to come to California. I've lived in Northern Calif, Central Calif (near Yosemite) and now I'm living in Santa Barbara. Hey, where else can you go skiing in the mountains and swimming on the beach all within a few hours.
Welcome to America's favorite playground!