Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."
Bigjoe- there was some guy on eBay a while back - perhaps he's still
doing it - who was offering to 'host' an advertisement on his bald head!
I forget whether it was a tattoo or temporary thing, but the price was
pretty steep as I recall.

By far the best sales pitch I've ever read on any e-trade site was on eBay
and was widely publicized. It was some guy selling his ex-wife's
wedding dress. He modeled the dress himself, hairy chest and all, but
that wasn't the funniest part. The guy's sales pitch was bust a gut
laughing hilarious! I think he ended up going on several talk shows as a
result of the auction and his pitch. I'm sure you could still find the
listing somewhere on the Internet though the auction was long over. I
think it had something like 12 million hits when I viewed it and that is no

Here's the eBay listing for the famous wedding dress guy. It broke an eBay record with over 6 million hits by auction's end!

You can find articles about him online doing a search under "ebay wedding dress guy"

I nearly pissed my pants when one of my friends sent me the link to the wedding dress auction. A prize winner, for sure.
His originality in marketing paid off in a big way too. He was able to get $3500 for that used wedding dress. I wonder what i could get for some of my old socks and underwear if i were to come up with a creative story??? Should i try it here or on Ebay first??? Anybody wanna help me write the add??? : ) Sean