Funniest sales pitch

What is the funniest sales pitch you've read? My current favorite is one I just read today. It was,"I'm selling these speakers because they are too good for me."
Here's the eBay listing for the famous wedding dress guy. It broke an eBay record with over 6 million hits by auction's end!

You can find articles about him online doing a search under "ebay wedding dress guy"

I nearly pissed my pants when one of my friends sent me the link to the wedding dress auction. A prize winner, for sure.
His originality in marketing paid off in a big way too. He was able to get $3500 for that used wedding dress. I wonder what i could get for some of my old socks and underwear if i were to come up with a creative story??? Should i try it here or on Ebay first??? Anybody wanna help me write the add??? : ) Sean
"I'm selling this unit to fund the purchase of a large batch of Viagra pills to save my failing marriage!" :o