No posting from me for awhile

I don't think Audiogon has mentioned this yet, I am contracted to cover the audio shows in Europe from September 7 through September 28.

The first show is Arken Sweden near Gothenburg (Sept 10, 11, 12). Next is Milan, Italy (Sept 16,17,18,19, 20) and finally London England (Sept 24, 25, 26).

I return to the USA, catch my breath and then on to the Denver (Red Rock) Audio Festival, Oct 8, 9, 10.

I will bring back hundreds of images for Audiogon members to enjoy. Wish me luck.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xalbertporter
Have fun Albert! Make sure you and Slappy stay away from all those Swedish massage parlors. They can get dangerous, heheh.
Travel safely Albert! Italy is my favorite country to travel to, point your camera at some of those ultra-stylish Milanese women if you can.

Have a safe & very enjoyable trip! Can I go along to caddy for you - help carry that heavy camera equipment? If not, how about my Christmas list?

1. 5'7", brunette (female),..........
2. Case of French Bordeaux
3. .......
4. ......

Best of luck!
