Where do I go from here, keep it clean

I have made a number of changes in the last year or so, and I am very happy with my system. If I was informed that I would never be able to change anything in the system, I would not lose much sleep over it. So far, I have not received this message, although I think my wife is getting close to issuing it.

Anyway I am curious what other think would be a good upgrade of what I own now.

The entire system is run off of two dedicated circuits and employs PS Audio outlets, whatever they're called. I know Porter Ports are better but I've had these longer than I've known Albert. Actually I moved them out of my old house.

My cables are all Purist. One pair of ICs are Museaus, the rest are Venustus. The speaker cables are single terminated but bi-wire runs (or two sets of cable) in a single jacket. Don't ask!

My TT is a Sota Star w/ Rega RB 900 and Benz Glider cartridge. The CDP is a Sony SCD 777es. Pre-amp is a new/upgraded to the latest release 7 LX 357, the phono is an upgraded Pass Labs Ono, that is now close to the Xono but still a single chassis. My amp is the Krell FPB 700cx, and the speakers are Kharma Ceramique 1.0.

The room has been moderately treated with a number of things to prevent unwanted reflections, but could still be better.

If a fuller look at the system would be helpful use this link. http://cgim.audiogon.com/cgi-bin/vs_user.pl?vstrt&1026696824&viewmine&publ

My own inclination would be to upgrade the front end. IMO the Sony is the weakest link, but it is a lower priority than the TT/arm/cartridge. I appreciate any good advice.
I appreciate the effort seen in many of these responses. A couple of good questions were asked, which should be answered. I am happy with the direction that I seem to be going. The summary of the sound sound that was mentioned earlier was accurate.

I was not aware of the Benz upgrade program. From what was said, it seems as if I should seriously consider that option. One problem I have is that lack of retail outlets through which to do anything like that though. Only one peice of my system was bought locally due to the inavailability of anything of quality in my litle town (sounds like a song).

The idea of upgrading the Sony is one which I have considered. Maybe I should do it more. I have been thinking about selling the Sony and buying a Krell SACD Standard. I wonder which would sound better. The Krell would cost me over $1000 more than I could get for the Sony.

The Sota TT was upgraded at Sota about three years ago so it is in real good shape, but I know the Cosmos is an altogether better TT. The arm could be improved with the counterweight and better cable. Since I use the TT as my primary music source this would be the first place for me to focus.

The room could use some help as could nearly everyone's except Slipknot, whose room I envy. Carl, I would like to have the post removed, but I'm still not sure about the short wall setup.

WOuld I notice a difference between my PS Audio ports and those that Albert is selling?

Maybe some better PCs would be in order, but so far I have been hesitant to do that since I have been so pleased with the DIY PCs that I made. Anybody want to buy one or five?
keep it clean?...is your wife gonna be reading these posts? I better take a shower first...but then again...I have always admired your system from a distance, yet know when I'm out of my league...for now at least.
Nrchy: on the Benz upgrade program, call one of the mail order houses and get some initial prices. Music Direct is one to try. (1.800.449.8333) Several others out there as well.

re: the porterports vs PS audio. In my system, it was dramatic. You'll be very surprised, try one for $36. You'll notice it. I was just as skeptical. You'll buy more.

Good luck!
Post removed 
Hey Nrchy,
Thanks for the "room envy" comment. I'm tellin' ya dude, Richard at Rives Audio can do the same for you for a lot less than you would think. There ain't a room been made yet the sorcerers at Rives can't tame.

Tell you what: When the Packers play in Philadelphia this season, you come to town for the game, I'll make you an outrageous dinner, give you a tour of the room and we'll listen to some tunes...