Though expensive, it's very hard to top ASC Tube Traps. Used wisely, they make a tremendous difference in room response, image sharpness and bass definition.
I even tried removing the ASC traps, and bought a Tact RCS 2.0. Though the Tact is an ingenious device, the tube trap approach was still superior. I sold the Tact and never regretted it.
Treating side wall reflections with wall mounted panels is another very important step in my opinion.
Good Luck, and enjoy!
I even tried removing the ASC traps, and bought a Tact RCS 2.0. Though the Tact is an ingenious device, the tube trap approach was still superior. I sold the Tact and never regretted it.
Treating side wall reflections with wall mounted panels is another very important step in my opinion.
Good Luck, and enjoy!