Why even bother?

I have some general questions.
How any audiophile could be serious about having tuner in his of her system?
The FM signal is so compressed that sound is way far inferior to the sound from any records, CD and even tape.
Why some hi-end companies are still produce them?
I haven't seen any discussions regarding this matter.
What is your opinion?

Again, I am not talking about regular listening to the radio at all.
My point is strictly about listening to FM thru hi-end system.
There is no way FM signal can camper to CD or record in the quality of sound.
Even a strong FM signal contains distortions. This are just rules of Physics.
Sum of hi-end tuners cost $2000-$6000. Why bother to pay for them and not to invest in to speakers, CD player or amplifier instead?
This is my point.

Thank you for your responds.
Misterl, if we settle on a $5,000 tuner price for discussion purposes (e.g., one of the dynalabs is that costly), I agree with you. For my lifestyle, I'd prefer to spend no more than $2,000 on a tuner and invest the rest in other system upgrades or in music. That's because I don't sit in the sweetspot and listen to the radio. The radio is terrific background music. I'm willing to invest in that up to a point.

As a caveat, I hope to never hear a $5,000 tuner since I might then be persuaded to actually buy the damn thing! That's the problem with this hobby ;-)
If your in a large metro area with lots of stations..why not. A good tuner (I have Sansui TU-717) sounds very good!


I'm not sure what your question is, you seem to feel it has not been answered, however, it sure looks to me like it HAS been answered.

Several people have stated they listen to different radio stations with a high end tuner and are quite pleased with the sound. What else do you want?

You cannot understand why people would pay 5k for a tuner?
Well i cant understand why somone would pay $350,000 for a pair of wavac monoblocks that are as linear as a pile of noodles and suffers extreme distortion, and are so reliable that one of the channels blew out a week into the review.

In any expencive hobby, there are always things that wont make sence. Look at the Tice Clock, and Shaki Stones. Explain those to me. After crap like that, a 5,000 tuner makes perfect sence.

If you want to worry about distortion then why dont you ask the Tube fanatics why they listen to a system with so much distortion and so little power? You cannot always measure the musical experience with distortion, loss, or power.

Maybe the loss of fidelity though FM radio is pretty minimal when using a real good high end tuner. Maybe they find the musical experience very satisfying?

If you dont think High end tuners are worth it then dont buy it, but dont expect people to agree with you. People have varied tastes.

Seems like you have an axe to grind against high end tuners. But i dont really see a point of this thread. The answers are right there in front of you, just because you dont agree does not mean the answers are wrong.

Why dont you just tell us what you want to hear if yer not interested in the responses you recieve? Then we can tell you whatever and get on with our lives

Good times.
Misterl, given that criteria - I agree with you. I don't understand the technical benefits of a state of the art tuner, but my money would go into other parts of the system or the room, and I would probably stick with my Kenwood receiver as a tuner (it has remote tuning, prresets, and decent reception). I think the other factor for me is when I have time to really listen, I want to listen to what I really want to listen to, not what someone is playing for me. I've been drawn in to radio programs before, but not when I was in "the chair" it was when I was listing to radio while doing something else.

. . . well that's my 2 cents anyway . . .