Loricraft vs. VPI 16.5 record cleaner

I currently own a VPI 16.5 record cleaner. I am considering purchasing the Loricraft because I read that it is much quieter and does a better job cleaning deep into the grove resulting in a quieter more resolving sound. I would appreciate if you would share your experiences with the Loricraft machine.
The Loricraft and Keith Monks are clearly superior designs. That doesn't mean that you can't get great results with lesser machines, especially the fully manual models. Assuming the price of admission was within my reach I would opt for the Loricraft over all others because you can listen and clean at the same time.
I agree with Lugnut. Also, Doug's experiences with the Lorricraft have been explained clearly. If I could swing it, I'd have one. I'd buy it over the KM jsut because the machines are similar enought that I couldn't justify the extra cash.

Cleaning & listening at the same time means I'd spend more time doing both.
The first cleaning machine I ever used was the Keith Monks machine, back in the early 80's. I've never seen another machine do as well. However, given the price differences, the VPI does an excellent job for the money and is probably a better choice for the average audiophile on a budget. If cost is no object, get the Keith Monks. I think the Lorricraft is a "clone" of the Keith Monks machine, and it looks like it should be as good, but I never actually used the Lorricraft version.
Twl, I had a Keith Monks machine in the 80s and gave up on it because it was down so often. I then bought various other machines and ended up with the VPI16.5. I thought it was doing a good job for me. Then I got stuck in London because of 911 and went to the audio show. I learned of the Loricraft and bought one.

When I listened to albums cleaned with the VPI and then cleaned them with the Loricraft, they were clearly cleaner. It is fairly quiet but I still cannot listen while I clean.

Use with the new AudioTop Vinyl1 and Vinyl2 clearly improves the sound much further.