Tube amps with Apogee Scintilla's your thoughts ?

I should receive my Apogee Scintilla's tomorrow. Just wondering what is going to happen when I throw the switch to the on position on my old VTL 300 mono's.
Will they handle it or will they expire ?
These are the original 1 ohm version. If there are any users (past or present), what kind of amps did you use on your Scintilla's ? thanks for your thoughts (prayers for the vtl's might help)
Although VTLs have pretty good load handling, I would not recommend to continue using them. The best case scenario will be frequently blown B+ fuse, but the worst case can lead to fried PCB.
I have a pair of Innersound Kayas that also have 1ohm dips. I started out with 2EAR 890's in bridge mode, but they couldn't handle the Kayas. Extremely rolled off In the highs. Then I started with high power solid state, but quickly learned that I am a tube guy. I managed to purchase a tube amp that was originally designed to be sold as the Innersound itube. 150 watts, and 100 lbs. of transformers. It controls the electrostatic panels perfectly. Uses 8 KT 88's. There is a review of it on 6 moons. After Innersound folded, the designer, Terri Tekisham, continued to market it under the brand Western Reserve.
Other tube amps that work with stats are the Cat's,and the Berning OTL,s are incredible.
If those tube amps can really drive a one ohm load I find that surprising as well as impressive. Tube amps generally respond better as the ohm load increases in value.
Bob Carver has a pair of the Scintillas, the best speaker ever made according him. He has designed several tube mono blocks that has 1 ohm taps specifically for the speakers. The Cherry 180 (200 watts), Black Beauty (300 watts) and Siver Seven remake (900 watts). I have the Cherry 180. They are good sounding KT88 push pull amps. I don't have the Scintillas though.
Wolcott if you can find a pair. Excellent with Apogees. Manley Neo classic 500's or maybe their Neo 250's...might do a good job. Try to stay with tubes unless you absolutely can't find any that will work. I run Apogee Duetta Sigs (which are much much easier to drive) and run tubes exclusively (I'm actively bi-amping to get the best dynamics). SS can't do what tubes can and on Apogee ribbons it is pure bliss. Try the VTL's [carefully] and if they won't hold up, keep seeking tubes as much as you can.
Good luck and keep us informed.