Vintage tubes skyrocketing in price

Anyone else think that the skyrocketing prices of NOS tubes is unreasonable? They seem to be continually increasing in price weekly. It makes tube rolling exclusive to the wealthy. I am not happy. Comments?
I've said it before and I'll say it again here. The odds of actually getting TRUE NOS tubes are pretty small. It's a sucker market. Next time you go to buy some NOS tubes, ask the seller to list every place these tubes have been since the date of manufacture. When he stops laughing, tell him he can't have your money.

Lousyreeeds...How did you get that one past the censors?
Ed's comments are spot on!!!
"The odds of actually getting TRUE NOS tubes are pretty small."

Maybe, but true not if you know where to shop. And that's specifically NOT on Epay.

Besides, the term NOS is even open to interpretation itself.

The dwindling supply is certain part of the problem, but so is inflation. Remember that a $5 tube in 1950 would now cost you $37. Best advice is to buy what you can afford now or you will regret it later.
Tbg Hi.
How much do you think a pair of 6922 Telefunken or Siemens of 1960-1970,should retail for into todays market?
I've seen them at 300-400$ dollars.I need two pairs.
Does it worth it ?Would I get a 800$ sound improvement?
Open to opinions from the more experienced fellow audiogoners.