Vintage tubes skyrocketing in price

Anyone else think that the skyrocketing prices of NOS tubes is unreasonable? They seem to be continually increasing in price weekly. It makes tube rolling exclusive to the wealthy. I am not happy. Comments?
Yeah it sucks.

Got an alternative idea?

Honestly, it amazes me how many people are ignorant of market dynamics; NOS tube sellers are only able to get what people are willing to pay: no more, no less. This system ensures a relativly ready supply of items which went out of manufacture many decades ago -- a rather amazing result of the market.

A rational consumer would consider the price of NOS tubes - and the rate of inflation for such tubes - at the time of equipment purchase. They would weigh the alternatives and make a choice based upon the pleasure they derrived for the dollar spent.

Now, how hard is that for an adult to figure out?
Ok listen. Ed Sawyer and Mprime are both right, the laws of supply and demand dictate the price of NOS tubes. Too bad.

But look you two, stop being jerks. The guy asked an honest question, and you two responded like a couple of pricks. Stop it.
I've said it before and I'll say it again here. The odds of actually getting TRUE NOS tubes are pretty small. It's a sucker market. Next time you go to buy some NOS tubes, ask the seller to list every place these tubes have been since the date of manufacture. When he stops laughing, tell him he can't have your money.

Lousyreeeds...How did you get that one past the censors?
Ed's comments are spot on!!!
"The odds of actually getting TRUE NOS tubes are pretty small."

Maybe, but true not if you know where to shop. And that's specifically NOT on Epay.

Besides, the term NOS is even open to interpretation itself.
