Sammie, I doubt you'll need to "grab another AM conditioner" for your Ayre products since they are already designed to negate AC problems. Many times, the perceived effectiveness of an AC conditioner is actually an indictment of the components connected to it.
As for the original poster, generally, I wouldn't plug amps into your conditioner - regardless which one you choose. In fact, I think Anthem specifically warns customers NOT to use a line conditioner with some of their products (at least they did with my AVM30 which isn't even an amp).
Frankly, you may want to consider just keeping the Audioprism unless you've identified a problem. Your budget of $1500 may yield a better return elsewhere if you're unhappy with the sound (perhaps room treatments or mods).
As for BPT versus AM, I'd get a trial versus relying on what you read on Audiogon. Nevertheless, it's hard to refute the benefits of balanced power in most applications.