Has any heard of rawshipping.com?

I am contemplating a purchasea dn the seller has identified rawshipping.com as the escrow agent as well as the shipping agent. According to Rawshipping I need to send them a money order for the amount and they will ship the goods. They are in the UK. Has anyone heard of them or dealt with them?
If you can buy N802's for $1550, I'll take 3 pairs. I'll keep a pair for myself and resell the other two and pay off my wifes car note.

If it sounds too good to be true.....
7671,your right audioweb has became a joke,its got so bad with all the scams on a-web that i dont think there's any real people selling gear there anymore.

its just like you said too,sellers saying they have a 10k amp for 1k & free shipping to boot with the gear listed in detriot but they want you to send payment to some mud pit in the middle east.

stay away from escro & a-web at all costs!
$1550 for N802's? I would have been wary before the issue of escrow or shipping even came up. You guys sure weren't kidding about that audioweb site also...I saw a Chord Integrated amp listed 2x...different places, different descriptions with the exception of an exact duplicate sentence and both pictures (different pictures of course) were taken on top of a pool table.
If it sounds too good to be true, it is!

Bigjoe, I don't think escrow is a bad way to go. Just make sure to use escrow.com!
I am planning to buy a mountain bike from a seller in Tampa.First he asked me to use a bank transfer.I suggested using escrow and he sent me to rawshipping.Again I asked him to use escrow.com I am waitting for an answer,I´ll let you know .............