Apple or PC?

I am in the market for a notebook computer to use for University. I will be using it for research, writing papers (word/excel), sometimes taking notes in class, music, some photo editing, the odd DVD on trips, and internet surfing. It must be around a 12" and under 5 pounds with good battery life. I have been reading and it's my understanding mac OS X is a more stable operating system and that it is more secure from spy-ware and virusus. They also have 128Bit enscryption I hear as well. The powerbook 12" model looks perfect for my needs but my buddy who is a computer guru says macs are only good for photo editing and I will run into compatibility issues with the mac becasue they dont use a system registry or something like that. What should I do?
Aida...nice car analogy!...let me take it a step further as it was explained to me by a computer guru friend in Seattle.

Apple -

BMW made with all BMW parts

Inexpensive PC Clones -

(Especilly when you have a cheap ass computer savvy friend offer to "build" you a pc using parts from is really nothing more than a Hyundai with a rebuilt Ford Escort engine shoehorned in alongside the also rebuilt Chevy Astrovan transmission.
I have a 12" Powerbook with the superdrive and an 80 gig hard drive. I also upgraded the memory. I have Microsoft Office. I use it for everything from writting orders for work to IPhoto and Itunes. When I travel I can watch movies on the DVD player which is a nice bonus. With Microsoft Office I can create and receive Excel and Word documents from any computer. I also have a G5 with a very cool 20" flatscreen at work. We have a dell at home and there are always issues, it is never smooth. I can't think of a better laptop. Yes, they do cost a little more but what you get back in terms of ease of operation is priceless. Just one mac users opinion!
A recent article in Macworld indicated that there have been more than ~160,000 viruses written for Windows and only ~60-70 for Macs. I use both platforms at work, but I highly prefer OSX because of its stability.
Apple it wise, I heard apple is better...they use a standard 128bit enscryption, is this true? Also, Security is a BIG thing for me and I always like to take it one step further in protecting my information, what programs are out there that can protect me from the best of hackers (government) harnessing into my computer and spying?
Looks like the Mac heads have spoken; they're always really vocal about the Macs' advantages. I might be a little biased, being an Apple dealer, but our customers are happy, well adjusted people who don't freak out every time a new virus makes the rounds or drives are getting hacked from network connections. When's the last time you heard someone say that they just love their Dell?