Great cinematic audiophile moment

I've read mentions in other threads about the few and far-between moments where audio equipment of note make appearances in a movie, but I saw what is easily the most elaborate audiophile moment I have experienced on film.

In an Asian film, Infernal Affairs, a main character goes into a stereo shop, browses for a bit, and then asks to listen to a system. The shop has a lot of gear, especially tube amps and speakers, and the salesperson comments on how the Asian amps are great and "only about 10 grand". Says they sound every bit as good as the European amps. The customer comments on the cheap wire being used, and after an initial listen, goes to the display rack, picks out new wire, and gives it to the salesperson to use. After inserting the better wire, the salesperson is transfixed, saying the sound is "much better!"

The guy buys a system, and there are several scenes with it as a centerpiece in his LR, including the tube amps on display.

I can't think of an even close second place.
OK, I'm so geeked out by this, I have to find that movie!

"You know your an audiophile, when you look at a Playboy magazine and you notice the knobs on the stereo in the background before you notice the knobs on the naked girl."
Saw The Italian Job (on the free Showtime HD weekend) and noted the early references to the desire for a stereo system (with "Burr-Brown DACs") that would blow off a woman's clothes. At the end, the guy gets his system but with big Martin-Logan speakers with which he tries to achieve his goals. Better he had Klipsch or Cerwin-Vegas; the M-Ls are great speakers for music but...........

Does anybody know if the bulbous, blue speakers in the character Yorgi's bedroom in the movie "xXx" are or were actually in production? Those had audiophilia written all over them...