Condolences to our Catholic members

Pope John Paul II was deeply by many people throughout the world, not just Catholics. His personal and spiritual presence on the troubled world stage will be sorely missed. I'm sure that many of our Audiogon members join in sending condolences to our Catholic members, and join them in wishing for a smooth transition as the new Pope is selected.
Thank You very much for this post. It means a lot that so many people mourn the passing of this great man and leader of the Catholic Church. He loved people of ALL religions. Pope John Paul will be missed.
Pope John Paul II was a great leader and statesman, reaching out to people of faith. He played an active role in the undoing of communism in Eastern Europe, as well as preaching tolerance and support to the less fortunate in the world. He didn't "talk the talk", he "walked the walk" traveling all over the world to fulfill his duties. I'm not Catholic but did have the opportunity to visit the Vatican two weeks ago, it was inspiring.

Obviously many other "leaders" could learn much from his efforts. A lot to learn from a man who will go down in history as one of the truly great leaders that made a very noticable difference in the world.
I am not Catholic, in fact I grew up a Baptist. I must say however, that this man impressed me greatly for these many years. Compassionate, humorous, confident, steadfast in his beliefs- you name it, this man was one incredible human being.

To my Audiogon friends who are Catholic, I'm sorry for your loss. But I also congratulate you on your good fortune to have enjoyed John Paul II's leadership for so many years.

May God bless the man chosen to fill those shoes.
Pope John Paul II was a great man and inspirational leader. I'm not Catholic, but I have great admiration for the man, his convictions, leadership, faith, and courage. He has lead the church through troubled times and has done much in healing the rifts between Christianity and other religions.
He may not have pleased everyone, but being a man was not perfect.
The world has had a great loss. I hope the Catholic church has another leader capable of taking John Paul's place, and leading the Church into the new century.