Twisted Lyrics :

This from the time when my daughter was barely three and both of us were listening to Simon and Garfunkel's "Mrs Robinson" on the home stereo in the living room. The reason for listening to this particular track was because I had it in the car and somehow I thought it always amused her. I got up and went to fetch something to drink and on my return as I entered the room with her back to me I overheard her singing along. I could not help laughing when I realised what she was singing, "and here's to you Mrs Rabbitson......"

I guess it was due to the fact that she always enjoyed watching Bugs Bunny and that could have influenced her to sing those twisted lyrics.

Do you have a story to share about twisted lyrics?
When the Eagles released "Life in the Fast Lane", I thought they were saying "Back in the Vaseline"

When the song "1999" and "Little Red Corvette" came out, my ex-wife swore up and down that the artist was FRITZ, instead of Prince...
Ha yes!

As a pimply kid I thought Del Shannon sang on 'Runaway'--

" I'm a walkin' in the Rain-to my balls I feel a pain"

i was trying to attribute that classic lyric, "Peanuts in blue jeans," when I came across "mondegreens":
When I was a teenager and The Beachboys hit "Help Me Rhonda" was getting air time the little kid next door sang along with the refrain of "Happy Honda Hap Hap-py Honda".