Please recommend components for newbie with $1K

I currently have a late-90's Sony cd player, a pair of old Realistic speakers that are hand-me-downs from my father-in-law, and a Scott 418-A integrated from the mid-70's (I think) that I acquired at a pawn shop when I was an undergrad. Sounds pretty bad, so I want to upgrade. I can put in $1000 now, so I want to get speakers and an integrated amp or a receiver. I guess that gives me around $500 for each. I need the amp to have A/B speaker switching. A phono stage would be nice too, although I'm not opposed to getting a separate phono preamp in the future if necessary. This system will be a smallish room, about 14x10, 8' ceilings.

Unless I can find something used, I'm leaning toward the Marantz PM7200 integrated. Local shops have also suggested the Integra DTM 5.3 receiver. I would buy the NAD 720BEE today but it's $540 before tax.

Thanks for reading. Any amp and speaker recommendations will be greatly appreciated.
You've got a real challenge there at $1k. I can't speak to the electronics, but for some reason, speaker "best buys" all seem to start with a "P" as in Paradigm, PSB, Pinnacle, Polk - go figure.
See which one you like the sound of best, and look for them used here - Best bang for the buck you'll find - generally easy to drive, and many have a lot of the high-end sound to them.
Good Luck
Canton also makes some very good/small/inexpensive speakers. One of the real steals in speakers are the Sony SS-M series. There was a guy selling a pair of the mid sized SS-M7 and a pair of the smaller SS-M7s for around $500. These are very well designed and built speakers. If the label had any name on them other than Sony, they would have sold like mad, but too many audiophiles would not take them seriously because of the Sony badge...

For that reason a great speaker can be had for a low price. There are lots of fun little integrated tube amp for sale right now. Keep in mind that most OBO gear sells for about 80% of the asking price.

You will have a difficult time staying with the $1000 goal, but it's not impossible.
A used Rega Mira integrated with a pair of used Epos ES11 or M12 would leave change for stands and cables. There was a Creek4140 on Agon, but I notice it's sold.

The Naim Nait is a nice amp and early models are around $400, but it is more likely to require servicing, and you're stuck with Naim's DIN connections, which can be a pain.

The rega doesn't have speaker switching but you can buy a separate speaker switch later if you desire.
But hang on, do you want full range or monitor speakers? what music do you listen to most, do you like alot of bass?
You need to make sure you know in your heart what you want, and it will help folks here to give you more accurate info, and just have fun!
NHTs would be a good start if you want monitors. maybe Superones which should leave more $ for integrated.