17 to discuss the differences between East coast and West coast styles.
39 to discuss proper turn-on & turn-off procedure.
4 to argue the whether a dimmer switch shortens the life.
20 to experiment with how often you should remove the bulb for cleaning and another 38 to debate whether or not to use some type of cleaner or contact enhancer, such as Bold Glow.
One to write a white paper about how the light really works.
One to say it was his idea all along & sues for the use of the word.
3 will get together & modify the angle of the threads for better alignment.
4 will feed off that idea and modify the material for better transfer of power.
5 will feed off that idea and design even better filaments.
Somebody will point out it's against code.
Somebody else will point out that varies state to state, country to country.
Somebody else to say if it's done correctly, there's no need to worry.
A few inquires where to contact qualified installers.
Which shops to avoid-you know, the ones that treated you like dim lits.