HiFi dealers & audiophile wife problems

We sold certain brand of black spkrs to a customer about a year ago. He wanted rosewood, but he bought black. Why? Because he figured he could swap the new spkrs with his old (about the same size) while his wife was out and figured she wouldn't notice. Did it work? Yes.
The one that works real well for me is: "No dear that's not a new component - I just had the faceplate changed". Once - that was really the truth. I changed the faceplate of an ARC LS 5 from black to silver. The explanation worked so well I've been using it ever since. The only trouble I've had was my switch from a Sonic Line 3 to a BAT VK 50SE. She keeps asking me what happened to that cute litlle round remote. (She knows I never lose anything).
Tenniswino, you are a sick puppy, but I do feel some slight pangs of admiration.
Thanks Red. The explantion doesn't work to well with speakers. And there are can't be that "black" boxes to interchange. When I come up with something for speakers - I'll let you know. Naturally interconnecting cables are never an issue (who sees them?) Speaker wire can be a problem though - changing from Transparent Reference speaker cables to Nordost SPM caused some concern. But who would possible believe those little purple strands are $ 2,000 for the first meter. They look like you can get them for $1.95 at Radio Shack.