What have YOU got?

I am curious to know what the general AudioGon population has for equipment, so let's hear it! Any female audiophiles out there? Let us know...
speakers- aerial 10t's(no stands braced from basement) source- wadia 850 direct amp- krell-fpb-200 power cords- 2 essence cords interconnect- harmonic technology pro-silway II speaker cable- harmonic technology pro-9 internal biwire accessories- black diamond (pits and cones) very comfortable listening chair
Oracle Delphi IV/SME345/Grado Reference, YBA CD Integre, Audio Research SP14 (got a SP9 for sale BTW), (2) Classe Audio DR8 amps running bridged, Martin Logan ReQuest. Japanese tuner and tape deck, wires (that in my view aren't tha big a deal and worth listing)...
Martin Logan Requests, BAT VK30 with NOS, Rotel 1090 Amp, Monster 2.4 BiWire, Alpha Core Sapphire XLR, Monster Sigma x 3, Kimber Digital and other Interconnects, Pioneer CDR99 with Audio Alchemy DDE 3.0, DTI Pro 32 and PS2, CJ DR1 and Tube Dac, SOTA Star Sapphire/MMT/Blue Point Special, Lehmann Black Cube, Kenwood Audio Purist Analog Tuner, Monster HST 3500, Assorted power cables
Audio Refinement Complete Intergrated Amp Rega Planet cd player Soliloquy 5.0 speakers Atacama 24 SE speaker stands (lead shot) Audioquest Ruby interconnects
This is definitely a work in process. Speakers: Meadowlark Kestrel Hot Rods. Cables: Hovland NineLines. Power Amp: Rotel RA-1090. Preamp: Rotel RC-995(?). Record player: Old Denon direct drive w/ new Sumiko cartridge (doesn't get much use due to my record collection). CD: junky H/K 8350 5-disc carousel [what should i do with this? my fiancee likes a 5 disc changer, and we just got this last year (before new stereo) -- should i get a new DAC? wait for new format? junk the player altogether?] Any tips on improvements would be appreciated.