Vinyl or wait for the new stuff??

I was wondering whether to dive into the world of Vinyl or wait for the new format to settle. You see, I have not listened to vinyl for more than 20 years now. I have all rated A equipment and cables and good collection of Audiophile and not so Audiophile CD. Recently I have been thinking of taking a dive into the world of Vinyl. However, knowing myself, I will not be satisfied unless I get some highend stuff which will cost me some serious amount of money. Not to mention that I have to start my collection of software. So my question here for you guys who want to help. Shall I make the move or just wait for the SACD/DVDA ? your input would be much appreciated.
I just bought a rega 25 w/600 arm and super elyse cartridge. I also bought an ARC ph-3 phono preamp (outstanding!). I chose the rega partly because it is considered 'set and forget' whereas some high end players need constant expert adjustment. On a good album, this thing walked all over my $3000 sony XA7 cd player. The music has considerably more presence and weight. I a/b compared simultaneously played albums, and the vinyl is quite a bit better. There is something to be said for cd's convenience. Also, the newer CD recordings are pretty good. I just ordered a record cleaner, and I expect that to improve my records as well. I figure it is better to get all my records clean now, so my turntable doesn't get contaminants on it. There is a lot of enjoyment in finding an original mono recording of Glen Gould $3.00, 'Lady in Satin'(GREAT RECORD!) $4, or 'The Trinity Session (in perfect condition!)' $4. I really like the fact that I can 'try' music for $3-4. It's great! How often do you have to clean the stylus, and what should you use ?
Sorry but here is a real audiphile myth: that vinyl sounds better than digital. Perhaps if you spend $20K or more for your analog gear it does. Or if you have lousy equipment or CDs. But in the real world price level vinyl just sounds much worse than digital! You hear the cartridge "scratching" the records groove, most records are off center, record deteriorate rapidly and start making noises, turntables are a pain to maintain and calibrate, you have less bass, most motors do not supply constant velocity, etc. A reasonable 24/96 digital combo in the $2-4K range will blow away similarly priced analog gear.
Joe,boy are you clueless!!! Climb back under your digital rock amd come out when you can open your ears. BTW,ever hear a decent analog front end??
Is it joe_in_coherent? Sorry,I just have trouble sometimes with some of the ridiculous posts left here.
Like hell!!! You just are full of crap, Joe. Please assume room temperature, before you explode (from being so full of crap). My vinyl front end costs less than my digital, and vinyl is easily better (and that's saying a lot, since my digital is at least as good as yours, if not better...for CD's only, anyway). YOU NEED TO GET A THORAZINE PRESCRIPTION, and continue the research I gave you, on what's behind a black hole's event horizon. Whatever that is, I'm sure it can be modeled digitally, so you'll be in heaven...the only way you could ever get to heaven, that is.