Which track do you demo to your friends?

You know when a friend arrives at your house, sees your stereo and says "how much did all this cost". You tell him/her the $$$ and they say "are you mad?" Of course, the next step is to justify it by playing something that will make their jaw hit the floor. Which track do you play? Me, I play a track called "Spanish Harlem" by Rebecca Pidgeon off an album called "The Raven". Works every time :-) Their jaw hits the floor, and no-one speaks till the song is over. Then they something along the lines of "Oh, I see what you mean". Follow up/alternate demo tracks for me would include "Fire and Roses" by Mimi Goese and "Ordinary Life" by Christen Barry. What track do you play in this most demanding of moments?
Let them choose! If you go to dealer to hear some equip do you want dealer to play some music you never heard before, no you bring music or have them play music you know so you have a point of reference for how good it sounds. Trelja no need to worry about big bass, guests will hear so many new details and spatial resolution they never knew existed from a CD they heard a 100 times, usually they will refuse to believe that it is the same CD that they have till you let them exmine it closely
Thanks for the responses here - more music for me to check out :-) I do agree that letting them choose makes a lot of sense - however, sometetimes they chose poorly recorded CDs. For example, the Moby Play CD (great stuff) has so much background noise on the CD, one would think it was introduced on purpose - one of my friends was surprised this background noise was still there - he thought my system would miraculously eliminate it. I wish....
Outlier, so what if they pick a crappy sounding recording? I believe that a well put together high end system will serve the music regardless of the recording quality. Good music will sound great on any system, but it will come across even better on a well put together and setup high end system. Good systems sound great only with audiophile recordings -- great systems sound good on anything! Just an opinion.
......I played a particularily well recorded Patsy Cline CD for my brother-in-law (because she's a favorite of his), and after about 1/2 the CD he said "it sounds like she's in the room with us"-- high praise indeed. OTOH, he can't believe that I have a $5000. amp! :-) Cheers. Craig.