Do Dealers think it is sinful..........

..... to give a customer a break on the price of high end audio equipment? is there something ethically wrong with this? why is it that i can negotiate down the price of a car or real estate many thousands of dollars, but i cant even get a discount on something the dealer (1) doesnt stock, (2) will not let you bring home for a day. i feel that when you are spending big $, like 8k + on a sale there should be some give and take. what do you think?
Avnut, the McIntosh line that you were interested in (based on your previous post) is normally not discounted. While my dealer has quoted a small discount (~5%) for a McIntosh amp it isn't even close to the discount they quoted for a Mark Levinson amp. For dealers to survive I think its necessary for them to add value to a sale. One of these services is allowing clients to audition equipment at home, or at least have the products available to audition in their demo rooms. However, I would agree with Perfectimage, the dealers are alot more warey about loaning out equipment to just anyone, many people will simply buy it used on the net afterward. I can't entirely knock those who do this. When used prices drop to nearly 50% of retail or less within one year of use, paying retail seems silly. I have a good relationship with a dealer who allows me to audition stuff at home, will normally give me a fair discount, provides the ability to trade up for full credit within a year on specific types of components, and has given me excellent assistance when I've required warranty work.
thank you all for your contributions to this thread. i just want to clarify my position on my post. i understand that a dealer should be able to earn every penny for the productr he sells. however, i have a hard time paying full price for a high ticket item (8k+) when there is no service rendered. by the way, mac stuff is reasonably priced and the support is generally great in my area. i have no problem there. here is an example of my frustration: my dad and i go to classe dealer. i tell him that i am interested in the omega line of products. the sales manager can tell me nothing about the omega line. he has never heard the pre or the amp. he doesnt even stock any of classe's newer amps. yet he expects me to write the check as if he does. where's the service? there is a better classe dealer about 60 miles away. i told him i had been there to just look at that beast of an amp. i never discussed price or discounts there. i just stopped in once or twice during the course of my business. the dealer in my town told me to go to the dealer 60 miles away since they had allowed me to view the amp on display. he let a $27k sale walk right out the door. i'm befuddled and cofused and a little upset. oh well.
After reading this thread I couldn’t believe the ignorance, short sightedness and general whining by those of you who expect automatic discounts. Correct me if I am wrong, but it looks to me like you are saying: a) Dealers should provide a discount regardless of your patronage b) Dealers don’t really need to stock the gear – we don’t want to pay for this service, we can buy gear without listening to it – via reviews & product availability on the internet c) Price is more important than good sound & good service Do you like being able to go visit a local dealer and listen to the gear he stocks? Do you want your local dealer to stay in business? Do you want your gear to hold the majority of its value? Do you want to continue to have the opportunity to buy innovative products from smaller companies who are only able to produce limited quantities? Well, if any of the answers are yes, you’d best reexamine your conclusions. …Keep focusing on meaningless discounts and your choices will become even more limited than they currently are. Do any of you have a clue of what the average margin is in “high-end” audio retail? Do any of you know what the margins are on “expensive” low volume/high end stuff or are you simply speaking out of ignorance? I know I’m stating the obvious here, but these aren’t commodities we’re buying and selling folks… no pork bellies, timber, oil or computers. We’re talking about spending hundreds, and in many cases thousands of dollars on luxury items. As audiophiles/audio enthusiasts we believe that there are differences in sound and in most cases we are willing to pay in order to acquire these differences. When you buy from a dealer you should be getting something for your money – experience, help, insight, and someone who will take care of you and any problems, needs or warranty issues you might run into. If you don’t value these, then good luck to you. If your dealer doesn’t offer these benefits to you then go somewhere else – why are you still giving him your business? If your local dealer isn’t giving you adequate service contact his supplier(s) – they should certainly care! …If they don’t care be glad that you found out, sell any gear of theirs that you own and buy from reputable people. Any product is only as good as the people in the company behind it. In-home auditioning Listening to new components at home before you buy is only reasonable and logical. Home auditions should be an obligatory courtesy afforded prospective customers. If a manufacturer or dealer doesn’t allow and encourage in-home auditions they must surely expect the customer to make an uneducated purchase. Theoretically, this would undermine the entire existence of their businesses. The very products they sell/manufacture evidence the simple truth they believe that NO TWO audio products/experiences are identical. How many of you (Audigon members) would you buy a car without being able to test drive the model on REAL roads? It seems to me that listening to any component or system in a dealer’s showroom is analogous to a virtual test drive. Sorry for the digression :-) It seems to me that this site’s intent is to bring audio enthusiasts together in a forum that allows us to become aware of new products, communicate our experiences and YES to sell and get deal’s on gear. But isn’t the real idea to help maximize audio enjoyment? I too like a good deal, and I don’t believe in paying for services that I do not or cannot get. But I believe that to focus SO much on price is unhealthy for our hobby. I hope that your enjoyment isn’t sullied by the fact that you couldn’t get a couple percent off of the gear you bought. Happy holidays all!
Question: Does anyone know how to get space between paragraphs when responding to this forum? My entire rant was squished into one long paragraph. :)