Tinnitus anyone?

After years of loud stereos and playing electric guitar recreationally I have developed a continuous ringing? Also leads to music sounding brittle. Anyone else reconciling this with how you listen and enjoy a good sound system?
I have almost perfect hearing in my left ear (at least to 18Khz) and a sharp drop (almost nothing above 7Khz) in my right ear. It doesn't interfere with music listening much (I do remember the duo full-range days, however). As for Tinnitus, I've heard this can be caused by too much caffine & alcohol. It may be just the luck of the draw. I've worked in a large machine shop, played in hard rock bands, hit full rolls of caps with bricks and hammers (as a kid), played with small to large firecrackers, etc. and have just a teeny amount of "constantly radiating" noise (in the left ear). My Mother, who hasn't done any of these activities, has a much larger tinnitus problem. As for the hearing loss: I think it's from a dirty little coward, in south Chicago suburbs around 1975, who cold-cocked me in the ear when I wasn't looking. Also, it could be from wisdom tooth roots crushing the ear nerve (kids: Get your wisdom teeth plucked AS SOON as they appear!). Lastly, NEVER put anything up your nose (you know what I mean). Happy listening!
Working around heavy machinery, shooting guns, riding motorcycles, drinking too much coffee all contributed to my having mild tinitus. Luckily, my hearing doesn't seem to be diminished, though my girlfriend claims I have a slight case of "male selective hearing." Wonder if it's related? In any case, a little tinitus is like a bit of tube rush; it's just a sign the equipment, though maybe not state of the art, is still "the good stuff."
Not specific to tinnitus, but there was an item in the recent S'phile (I think) about the Audio CD from Digital Recordings (digital-recordings.com). This is a self-administered hearing test from 20Hz to 20kHz (audiology tests normally stop around 7k). I ordered it and, let me tell you, it is very easy to use, fun to use, and the results are nice information to have. I recommend it. Would like to have another discussion at some point about the implications of our varying hearing for the systems we build.
I'm on moderate levels of NSAIDS (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory) drugs--you know, aspirin, naprosyn, ibuprofen, for psoriatic arthritis, and have several 1-2 minute episodes of mild tinnitus each day. I suspect that caffeine AND NSAIDS together (ANACIN, EXCEDRIN) may synergize tinnitus episode onset, but I'm not sure. For me the effect is binaural but not simultaneous. My wife has just started complaining of the same phenomena, which leads me to think that there might be a component related to indoor ambient relative humidity (now that it's winter). Anybody comment on RH as a factor? Thanks. Ernie