HiFi is an opinion - nothing more

The audiophile community spends vast amounts of time and resources trying to claim truth about something that boils down to be no more than one persons opinion. I read where some proclaimed audiophile has created nirvana by rotating his loudspeaker 1 degree off axis when used with a certain type of interconnect cable. Phew... I might remind everyone that the human ear and the mechanics of hearing are highly individual, namely we don't all hear alike. Add to that the processing that goes on in the brain to add value to what we hear, we end up with nothing more than an opinion not fact. Case in point, a system set up to accurately reproduce sound in terms of phase, and frequency amplitude response would not be desirable by most audiophiles. It would sound bright, thin and certainly not have enough bass. Most audiophiles would prefer the sound of a Bose Wave Radio to a an accurately set up HiFi. Get some acoustical instrumentation sometime and try it for yourself. To all of you who savor the delicious warmth of your tuuuuby like transistors and transparent capacitors, I say get a life. If you find yourself basking in the latest techno tweek and thirteenth set of speakers, I suggest you go off line, visit a used car lot, find an old VW Beatle, turn on the radio and enjoy the music again. Re-invent yourself.
After reading this highly volitile thread (trolling are we?), and BEFORE reading the responses, I pretty much had the same thoughts as expressed in the above posts. Will DNA2 monos fit in a beetle? Vand. 3As? Cheers. Craig
I think Larry is upset because he did'nt find his soundesign receiver and Kraco 6x9's under his Christmas tree this year! He now has to go out and buy some Bose which seems to be the only word he knows! Hey! I have a great New Years resolution for you(not that you'd know what resolution is anyway). Why don't you lose some weight between your ears? If you don't you will never be able to tell the difference between your soundesign and a conrad johnson or a Merlin and a kraco. You obviously got side-tracked with this site and you are definitely out of your league. Take a hike and don't come back!!!!
I'm not sure I should even bother with replying but aside from your attitude problem, you have clearly never heard a system that measures impulse coherent with flat frequency response. My system has been professionally measured in my room as part of my setup and room treatment program. My Dunlavy SC-V's are phase and impulse coherent to begin with. Coupled with a Sigtech room DSP and room treatment the response at the sweet spot is virtually flat from 25HZ to beyond audibility. There is plenty of solid chest rattling bass on well recorded Techno, metal, organ or late romantic classical. Wagner, Bruckner, Mahler, Stravinsky and Strauss do not sound thin and I hear live orchestral music two or three times a month. You may think I wasted my money on this system but that's about the only thing in your post that is really a matter of taste along with one other exception. I do listen with the top two octaves rolled off so the sound isn't too bright.
Aren't you the hypercritical one Larry? You speak as though you can't stand the idea of what people on this site do with their hifi or how they spend their time. If you're not into hifi, what are you doing here? I believe you're the one who should get a life and should dedicate all your time to something that are of interest to you rather than on something you hate. You even took the time you register a user name on this site. The only reason why I registered in Audiogon is to purchase something here. It doesn't sound like you want to buy anything here anyway. Why did you register? The truth of matter is if you draw a graph with the an axis designating cost and a y asis designating sound quality, and dollars you have to spend for every step of sound improvement, the chart is will not be linear. Everyone in this hobby realizes this and all have a limit or tolerance of how much they are willing to spend to achieve their acceptable sound quality. Seems like you don't believe in this dollar spent vs. sound quality relationships. You come across as "we" audiophilers are over focusing our efforts and money just to reproduce a simple sound wave and that we don't need. You wrote as though we treat sound as a luxury. You make us feel as though we can simply live with the quality of sound that comes equal to a VW bug. If you preach this philosophy, I expect you live your life in the simpliest way without the owning anything fancier than the basic necessities, right? You better not be driving a car cause you can take public transportations, have any expensive clothes because it's a luxury, and etc. If everything you own exceeds your the basic necessity of life, then you're just a hypercrite and have no merit to your argument.
I think Larry's comment on the VW was just a re-phrasing of the oft-cited, "it's supposed to be about the music!", and not an indictment of all things pertaining to luxury.

Why are posts like Larry's always the ones that inspire the most voluminous threads when everyone is saying "go away"? It would seem like if what he says is so useless nobody would ever visit the thread again, much less take the time to write a response.

It does give me an idea for a new thread, though - "How many pairs of speakers have you gone through in your audio quest?" Nothing derogatory intended, it just strikes me as an interesting question. For me, the answer was one before my wife began rolling her eyes and exclaiming, "what the hell do you need a new pair of speakers for - your current pair works just fine!" The count for my current incarnation is three with the fourth being strategized on.