Why Is Krell the a bad work???

I am new in this cyber town. Please explain why Krell is such a hated word? Most every review of there products are very positive. In fact I have a 200 FPB and love it.
Cornfed: I know what you mean about the ones that grab you right away with their dazzle or excessive smoothness. I have always used certain source material whether it was vinyl, in the beginning, or CD now, and listen to specific notes and instruments to see how the piece is doing. If it passes a few (five) of these simple tests then I move on to the bigger guns to see how it puts them all together. It is very tedious, but is gets things moving quickly. Right now I am auditioning some new cone points and platforms. My wife is ready to vomit at the sound of some of these pieces:-)
khrys: i really like your sense of humor. did you teach english, too? english major? major smart guy? spend all evening with strunk & white?
retro: gosh , i guess you would have written, say, a 3000 word response if i didn't bore you. BTW, i am quite familiar with the home of the fighting illini. i have a couple or three of degrees from the univ. of iowa (hence my monikor). we always called your school simply "illinois." never figured those schools in chicago, etc. were a part of the big 10, er, 11. at least since the univ of chicago last won the rose bowl. betcha i've been in your audio shop, tho not when you worked there. FWIW, i'm not a terrorist, despite what carl_eber rants. bury your hatchet, retro. you'll feel better. peace.
Khrys: Aren't you a girl, female - lady? No offense either way. I had assumed that you were but sometimes see you referred to as a guy.
CFB: Strunk & White for sure. Audio Comeuppance Edition. 164th printing this year. So far.