Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Go with the force luke. Let the circuits in your head tell you anything they want. Groovytube prays to the same god. Appeal to his wisdom but rembmber it's only a game.
I've never had the system sound dramatically better without doing something, but I have felt the sound sometimes changes from night to night, with some evenings better than others. I attribute this to minor changes in room configuration (a pile of books that wasn't there the other day, pillows on the backrest of the couch against the wall and windows instead of on the seat cushions, my wife sitting in one position or another in the room, etc.) On the other hand, sometimes I point these suspected changes out to my wife, who kindly suggests, "might we be obsessing just a little a bit, dear?" To which I reply, "Of course... what's your point?" :-)
Slowhand: I experience changes for good (and bad) quite often as I live in LA where the juice is quite iffy at times. Right now the system sounds smoother, but with less detail and my computer keeps crashing. I assume that it because of continuous Brown Outs but won't know until I drop the CPU off at the shop. I may have to end up getting a voltage regulator or external power supply for the computer if this is the case. I use a cheap power conditioner for the main stereo, but it does nothing for low amperage. By the way, I have been certified as "sane" within the past six months.
No bull Slowhand, I experience this phenomenon pretty often too. In my case, I attribute it simply to "mood". Guys don't typically like to talk about such things, preferring to attribute changes to all sorts of other things such as cables, ICs, vibration, power supply, acoustics, humidity, maybe even the cat in the room, but not simply "mood". Your mood at listening time is just as real and as important-- maybe moreso than all the other physical things we can all come up with-- mood is just as real as any other part of your stereo system. BTW, I've got a CD I like called "Mood Food", by a group called "Mood Swings"-- sort of new agey with prominent, but soft percussion throughout. Just let it happen, and enjoy Slowhand. Another way of putting this is that "some days are better than other days". Ever try to listen when you're seriously ticked off? had a fight with the wife? someone ran over your dog? just got a huge raise at work? have a wicked headache? just got fired? just go laid? Sometimes music can make you feel better, and sometimes worse-- just all depends on the mood of the music gods. But do clean all your ICs, cables etc-- sometimes your system will really sound better, and sometimes you will just feel better about it anyway etc. etc. Cheers. Craig.