Do the Audio gods shine upon you?

Has anyone else had this experience or am I just nuts? You sit down for a quiet evening of Hi Fi listening and after some warmup time you suddenly realize that your system sounds dramatically better than it did the night before. I am talking about those little things like more resolution, low level detail. You know, those things that turn audiophiles on. I am almost afraid to turn my system on again for fear that the "audio gods" have abandoned me.
Do the Audio Gods shine on me? I have been very skeptical of this phenom for two reasons. One reason is just that's the way I am (skeptic)and second, almost everything seems better to me in the middle of the night. Anyone here like to read poetry or willing to admit it? Just last night with some Merrill or Cavafy in my lap it's absolutely magic. It's like the opposite of the rat race. My mind focuses on one thing better.

But I have read many other explanations about this and tend to respect them. One nice short one is by Steve Deckert, the brains at Decware Audio. (Go to, then to the site map, then to the forum, then click on the "articles" button.) All of his short articles are worth the read.

One is called "The Magic Hour." I quote from it:

"I believe it is the reduced level of power line harmonics that make possible the middle of the night magic, triggered by the increase in Cycles of AC power, combined with the fact that this is the time when the sun is on the exact other side of the planet, radiation from the sun adds its own effect on the power line harmonics .. and the reduced ambient noise floor you typically have at those hours of the night let you hear more dynamic range."

Who am I to argue? - it seems real to me.

Sincerely, I remain
Sometimes the Audio Gods to shine on me.Some days the system just sounds awesome and brings a smile to my face. BUT other times I turn the system on and I think it doesn't sound as good. I think I hear a distortion on someone's voice or it's not as good as last night. So the Audio Gods play with my stereo way too much! ;)
This happens to me quite often. I don't know if it's caused by the frame of mind I'm in, my physical condition, or something to do with lower then usual AC voltage.
This is very interesting. I also read reviews, and then one
component seems like it is the one to get, then vise versa. It's even worse when I drink a lot of coffee, actually I
never don't. I like my system, and have my eye on other stuff, but I can live with what I now have. On certain days
though, I start feeling that same feeling, and can't figure out why. On most songs the bass hits just right, and other songs ( a couple ), it misses, and ruins the whole song, so I just change it.
I used to live across the street from an urban High school.
My system always sound better the longer school was out. This became more obvious after a new high tech computer annex was constructed.