You got to show me something more!

Okay, one thread has a group of folks dissin' the Ken Burns Jazz series on PBS. Another thread under Rock Systems has a writer that suggests Jazz merely "jerks around."

To each his/her own, but do you folks even have a clue what constitutes good music?

Rather than spending thousands of dollars on audio gear, perhaps many of you would do yourself a greater service by enrolling in a course in music appreciation. Doing so might actually enhance your appreciatiation of Jazz, and what is probably the most technically challenging, and soul revealing music ever created! Enjoy!
Anyhow, I feel pretty good tonight, sitting here drinking this wine and listening to Bach, and i think i've bailed myself out of dark for a while. Here i am and my walls soothe me, smooth me. That Bach, he was a motherfucker, what?
Cotrane: You assume too much about the education or lack of it in regard to the members at this site. The next time you post you might try sharing something other than your ignorance. I enjoy jazz, but not ignorance.
Dekay: I do not assume, nor have I commented on anyone's level of education. People can listen to whomever and whatever they choose. However, if someone suggests that jazz is nothing more than jerky music, then perhaps, just perhaps that warrants a bit more explanation. Last I heard, this was a forum for discussion, is it not?

And Dekay, it is spelled COLTRANE. Don't be ignorant...JUST KIDDING!
The best jazz musicians I ever met all had classical training and there is no question that classical music IS the most technically challenging. Show me any jazz musician who can compose or play counterpoint like Bach. Jazz musicians are imitators, of each other and of the classical genre. Seems like you have yet to complete your course on music appreciation.