Makes sense, Dekay. I wonder if a can get a stip of acrylic in a 2x4 shape and do the same thing. I just happen to have a source for acrylic fabrication here in L.A. that I'll drop by -- haven't been there in quite a while. I would think that this will do the trick. Or, maybe "dip" and coat the wood blocks in acrylic. Another option with the wood "slices" might be giving it a several of coats of "whatever" and lining the groove where the cable sits with a strip of sorbothane or similar (but cheaper) material. An engineer I am not. This is an area where my ideas can get scary, or at least my more techincally oriented friends tell me so.
A totally weird idea that I dropped on general principal was to take those funky looking, third world napkin rings -- the ones in the shapes of birds, fish and animals (picked up a bunch on Bali), run the speaker calels through them and insulate the cables (since the holes are bigger than my cables) with rubber bushings (can get these in any size from auto suppliers) or super dense foam. Just too weird, even by my liberal standards. I did think it would be a unique look and maybe have a better WAF, though.