Amplifier Stand

Can someone recommend a good looking amplifier stand?
if you are primarily interested in aesthetics, try pARTicular .they have some gorgeous stuff. billy baggs also showed a new custom amp stand at ces 2001 that is both striking and sonically dead--kinda like a zoethecus on steroids.
Look under stands and racks, it has links to sites to get some ideas. We have LOVAN SOVEREIGN SERIES for our amps and really like them.
So far I like the Lovan (which to me looks a lot like the Zoethicus) and a Salamander. The pic isnt very good online but it looks great. This has been a great help. Many Thanks
Can someone recommend a good amplifier stand if what I am after is sound quality ?
I have Silent Running Audio Amp stands for my Mono Blocks, I like them quite abit. They where made special for my Aleph 2's can't remeber price?